Foster's Primary School and Nursery

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Be curious!

Year 1

Oak Class - Co-ordination skills

In our P.E sessions this term we have been looking at the following objectives:

 – To develop pupils ability to throw effectively

 – To develop pupils ability to catch effectively


We have developed our co-ordination skills through a variety of games and challenges. 


Challenge 1 – Pupils will be able to successfully display a catching position

Challenge 2 – Pupils will be able catch and throw to a target in isolation with a degree of success (Large ball – completes 3 out of 5 at 4m)

Challenge 3 – Pupils will be able catch and throw to a target consistently in isolation.  (Medium ball – completes 5 out of 5 at 4m)


In the pictures above we are practising with bean bags to really focus in on our effective throwing and catching skills before implementing them into a game situation. Children have had lots of fun and especially enjoyed seeing how many successive catches they could make with a partner or group!
