Friends of Fosters
Welcome to Fosters Primary school PTA, Friends of Fosters.
Every Parent and Carer whose children attend this school will be aware of how heavily invested we are as a school community to ensure our children receive the upmost support and resources for their learning journey.
As the school only has so much funding available ‘Friends of Fosters’ was created as a charity to run special events throughout the school year to raise extra money to provide essential equipment for our children.
We pride ourselves in being a supportive school community where Parents and Carers can be involved in this cause.
We have a dedicated Facebook page, ‘Friends of Fosters Events’ where you can keep up to date with all news and future events, we also have a dedicated email address which is monitored regularly if you’d like to get in touch.
We look forward to welcoming our new parents and carers in our future meetings and events.
Please look out for these details in upcoming school mails.
Friends of Fosters (Reg. Charity No. 1117189)