Sports Premium 2017 /18
Evidencing the Impact of PE and Sports Premium
Sports Premium
What is a ‘Sports Premium’?
The government allocate a certain amount of money each year to schools in order to aid the development of sport and PE throughout the country.
How is the money allocated?
The primary PE and sport premium 2017 to 2018 (“the premium”) will be paid by the Secretary of State for Education (“Secretary of State”) to the local authority (“authority”). The authority will then distribute the premium to maintained schools in its area as stated in Section 14 of the Education Act 2002
What is the money going to be spent on?
For the academic year of 2017/18, Fosters primary school have received a funding of £19,610 to support the development of sport throughout the school.
The premium will be spent on making additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of all pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.
Sports funding through sports premium:
Our Focus for 2017/18
- Hire qualified coaches to lead PE lessons and train teachers
- Support and involve the least active children by running a Change4Life club
- Children to have the opportunity to compete in a range of level 1 and level 2 sporting activities
- CPD courses to improve staff confidence and teaching of high quality P.E lessons throughout the school.
- CPD courses for PE coordinator to develop knowledge of how to be a successful subject leader
- PE specialist to come in to school and train 10 children to be sports leaders and run lunchtime clubs.
- Improve the delivery of dance lessons through CPD courses and introduction of a new PE scheme.
- To ensure that the disadvantaged children are provided with opportunities to be active
Impact of Sports Premium 2016/17
This year we have used the Sports Premium to increase the standard of PE within the school, providing more opportunities for children as well as increasing teacher’s subject knowledge. Here are some of the ways we have managed to do this.
Quality Gymnastics lessons and after school club.
We have had the pleasure of having Active Sports Group deliver a high quality CPD gymnastics session to the entire staff. The session focused on how to support children in gymnastics lessons, looking at handstands, forward rolls and cartwheels. The session was extremely worthwhile in increasing teacher’s confidence in supporting their children as well as increasing subject knowledge. The session also focused on how to support the less able children as well as differentiate in PE lessons.
Active Sports Group (ASG) have also provided gymnastics lessons in Year 1 and Year 3. The gymnastic specialist from ASG delivered high quality gymnastic sessions to both Year 1 and Year 3 during the spring term as well as team teaching to allow the class teacher to upskill their PE knowledge and delivery. ASG have also ran an after school club throughout the spring term which has been very popular especially with KS1. This has resulted in children making extremely good progress over the term, with most children being able to complete either a forward roll or handstand to a good level.
Quality Rugby lessons and after school club
The Sports Premium has also been used to pay for a Rugby coach to run PE lessons as well as an after school club. The Rugby coach is from a company called Grassroots community sports and he is a retired semi-professional Rugby player. The children have benefited a lot from having such an experienced Rugby coach deliver the Rugby sessions. The Rugby lessons started with basic passing with mini team games. These fun Rugby lessons have increased the children’s passion for the sport and we have been able to take part in two Rugby festivals this year as a result.
Sports Apprentice
We have also used our Sports Premium funding to employ a Sports Apprentice (Mr Fernandez). He was able to be deployed as an extra adult within P.E lessons to offer new ideas and deliver warm-ups and group work. The new P.E plans are being used with the sports apprentice so that the lesson objectives are explicit and thus he can be used effectively as possible. Additionally, Mr Fernandez is able to concentrate on developing the least active pupil’s basic skills and challenging the more able pupils to excel.
As well as being used within P.E lessons across the school, Mr Fernandez has delivered focused hockey sessions at lunchtimes. These covered key skills such as fitness, agility, throwing catching as well as tactics such as attacking and defending. He has also worked with the boy’s and girl’s football team in developing their skills and teamwork.
Cross Curricular PE scheme
The current P.E. plans (purchased with Sports Premium funding) are working well among all staff. The feedback has been positive from staff as well as children. There are clear elements of challenge and differentiation and they are easy for all to follow and plan from. These also have links to other subjects, with Maths being a current focus from the SIP.
Sports Leaders & Break Times
We have used the Sports funding to train up some ‘Sports Leaders’ from Year 5 and 6 who run sports games and activities for the children at lunchtimes. This has had a really strong impact on how activity the children have been. The Sports Premium has also been used to pay for sports bags which have a variety of sports equipment for the children, such as sponge balls, cones, rackets, hockey balls and sticks. Children have enjoyed leading and participating in sports during their break time.
Foster's 'Golden Mile'.
Finally, as a school we partake in the ‘Golden Mile’. Children from Year 3 – 6 run around a marked out route around the playground each day as part of their daily exercise. Money has been spend on the playground markings and contributed to the children’s participation of the Golden Mile.