Foster's Primary School and Nursery

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Be curious!

Birch Class





A Boy and A Bear in A Boat

This term we will be learning all about the many seas and oceans around the globe. We will be developing our Literacy skills with descriptive writing pieces based on the photos within A Boy and a Bear in a Boat. We will also be creating short stories based on the adventures of the main characters in our book. This creativity will lead us to writing our own poems linked to our Power of Reading book as well as our geography units.

This half term in Geography we will be learning about the many seas and oceans around the globe. Children will also become familiar with different countries around the world and their use for the oceans nearest to them. Students will learn more mapping skills, such as finding and reading coordinates on a map through longitude and latitude and identifying / understanding the significance the equator. 

As requested, here is a list of recommended books for a year 5 child.

Birch Class Newsletter - Autumn 1 2015

Birch Class Photos - Autumn 1 2015

Birch Class Newsletter - Autumn 2 2015

Autumn 2 photos

Birch Class Newsletter - Spring 1 2016

Birch Class Photographs - Spring 1 2016

Birch Class Newsletter Spring 2 2016

Birch Class Newsletter Summer 1 2016

Birch Class Newsletter Summer 2
