Foster's Primary School and Nursery

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Be curious!

Useful safeguarding resources for parents and carers

Managing Screen Time

KS1 - Keeping Ourselves Safe

Quality First Toolkit

Guidance and information for Parents so we can all ensure our children Stay E-Safe


What do we do as a school?


As a school we closely filter all internet access. This is done through the London Grid For Learning. The system ensures that specific apps and websites are not available to children. Key words and phrases are filtered and monitored in order to restrict access. The system is closely monitoring and regular reports are created for the school's designated safeguarding lead. All educational websites used by children in class have been extensively vetted in advance by members of staff.



What can you do as a parent?


Do you talk to your child openly, and regularly about ways they can keep safe online? Why not use the NSPCC parent resources to help you start a conversation.


Try these conversation starters from the Childnet website


Take a look at the O2 and NSPCC ‘A parents’ guide to being Share Aware’.


And finally…Need help setting parental controls? Take a look at the guidance from the NSPCC on how parental controls can be used to block upsetting or harmful content, to control in-app purchases or to manage how long your child spends online.

Top E-safety Tips for the Summer Holidays

Network Rail Safety