Uniform information
The wearing of school uniform is a requirement. The clothing is of standard type obtainable generally within the normal price range from local shops and outfitters.
Grey trousers or
Grey shorts or
Grey pinafore dress or
Grey skirt
White or red polo shirt
Red sweatshirt or
Red jumper or
Red cardigan
Red and White checked summer dress may be worn during the summer term
Black or brown enclosed shoes with low heels
School sweatshirts, cardigans and caps all bearing the Foster’s logo are obtainable from Matthews Schoolwear. Simply go to their website https://www.matthewsschoolwear.com/ or visit their shop at 33 Upper Wickham Ln, Welling DA16 3AD.
PE Tracksuits are also available. The children can also wear Foster’s woolly hats in the winter and baseball caps in the summer.
Trainers are unsuitable for school and should not be worn except for PE or Games.
Please ensure all clothing is clearly named as we frequently have an enormous amount of unnamed, unclaimed lost property.
Dress for P.E
All children should have shorts and t-shirt for P.E. lessons. Plimsolls may be worn for dance and some outdoor activities. A warm jumper or tracksuit should be available for cold weather. Children in KS2 will require separate, suitable weatherproof footwear for football/netball/hockey.
For swimming lessons, children in year groups 5 and 6 require an appropriate costume and towel. For girls this means a one-piece swimming costume. Boys should wear swimming trunks not loose fitting swimming shorts. Swimming goggles may not be worn unless permission is given in writing by Parents/Carers. Under Local Authority regulations children may not wear earrings whilst swimming.
No jewellery may be worn at school. If your child has pierced ears, one pair of small studs may be worn. Under London Borough of Bexley regulations teachers cannot be responsible for either helping children to remove earrings or ‘look after’ these items. Either the child or the parent must remove earrings for P.E. This is both for the safety of your own child and other children.