Birch Class
This term we are learning about both Shakespeare (focusing on Macbeth) and the Vikings. In literacy we will be learning to write a detailed
non-chronological report about William Shakespeare. We will then use the information gathered to create a biographical text. We will finally move on to
writing powerful image poetry conveying the atmosphere of a scene from Macbeth. We will be researching information about when, why and how the
Vikings invaded and developing our understanding of their volatile relationships with the Anglo-Saxons and how they managed to coexist. We will explore Norse beliefs and what life and death was like for a Viking. Our DT sessions will complement this as the children will be
developing/creating and evaluating their own Viking Longships. Furthermore, we will be creating spreadsheets, in ICT, and using formulas to calculate
the cost of materials needed to create a Longship.
Have a look at some of the exciting things we have been doing this half term!
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let you Teacher know!
Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.