Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Foster's
Within Foster's we have broad experience successfully working with children with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
The SEND Team is led by our Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO), Miss Smith.
Miss Smith can be contacted by email on admin@fosters.bexley.sch.uk or by calling the school on 02082987336.
If you have any concerns regarding your child or would like more information about how we can support your child's needs, please speak to your child's class teacher and they will be able to arrange an internal referral.
Local Offer
The Bexley Local Offer provides information about the services available to children, young people and their families across Education, Health and Social Care. The Bexley Local Offer is published as part of the SEND reforms under the Children and Families Act 2014 and will be developed over time.
Details can be found at: http://www.bexleylocaloffer.uk/
Foster's SEN Report
Attached below is the Foster's Primary School SEN Report. This details the SEN provision provided by the school.
Foster's Accessibility Plan 2023
Every school must have a school accessibility plan, which shows how they plan to improve accessibility for special educational needs pupils - and when these improvements will be made.
Below is Foster's Accessibility plan outlining how the school intends to:
- Increase the extent to which pupils with disabilities can participate in the curriculum.
- Improve the physical environment to enable pupils with disabilities to take better advantage of the education, benefits, facilities and services provided in school.
Bexley Voice
Bexley Voice is a parent-carer forum in Bexley which offers advice, support and training opportunities for parents/carers of children with additional needs (diagnosed or undiagnosed).
They offer tea and talk sessions which often have speakers who attend the sessions.
Support and advice for parents.
If you have concerns over sleeping habits of your child, or need some advice and support, the Millpond Sleep Clinic is a good place to start!