Foster's Primary School and Nursery

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Be curious!

Sports Premium (2013/14 - 2015/16)



The school receives an annual grant to support the development of sport throughout the school. For the academic year 2015/16, the school will receive £8000 plus £5 per pupil, making a total of £9,250.


Sports funding through sports premium:


Impact for the academic year 2015-2016

-Raised the profile of PE and increase participation across the school

-Children given the opportunity to compete in a range of level 1 and level 2 sporting activities 

- A wider selection of extra curricular sports clubs available 

- Established the fosters mile

-Training for midday supervisors on activities at lunchtime 

-Children supervising and leading lunchtime sessions

-Effectively assess learning in PE

- High quality PE is being delivered throughout the school.

- An improved standard of both gymnastics and dance.

- Children were encouraged to be fit and active throughout the school day.

-Improved staff confidence and teaching of high quality P.E lessons throughout the school.


This work was monitored by the P.E. co-ordinator who ensures that staff have the skills to deliver the PE curriculum, monitors participation and ensures coverage of all the various sporting activities we want to present to the children, including competitive events, both in and out of school.


The impact of the Sports Premium in 2015/16


Foster's has got off to a great start in 2015/16. We have been able to provide a range of new lunchtime sports clubs including netball, football and American Football. To enable the netball club to expand, we have purchased new portable netball posts and balls. We have also invested in regulation size goal posts to enable us to host matches and to promote playtime active sports once the weather warms up.


All of our midday supervisors have now been trained to run lunchtime activities which promote active movement and a healthy lifestyle.


The impact of the funding will be measured by:

--Children to partake in 6 intra and 4 inter school sports competitions 

-A greater number of children will have opportunities to access high quality sports teaching and after-school clubs.

-Children will be more enthusiastic about sports and taking part in PE.

-A greater confidence in the planning and teaching of the new curriculum sporting skills.

-A greater confidence in the planning and teaching of high quality P.E lessons.

-Children will be able to reflect upon their skills, understand the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship and the importance to succeed.

-Children will be able to identify how and in what skills they have progressed.

- Engaging 35% of children of children in extra curricular activities 

- Engaging 10% of children in a leadership role and become sport leaders.

-Increased amount of physical activity available throughout the school.



The sport premium funding has been spent on the following areas:

-Equipment: goals, primary athletics kit, basketball pack, netball posts, games activity kit

-Staff raining: MDS training, young leaders course and PE NQT workshop

-High quality PE: Sport specialists and CPD.



Impact of the Sports Premium in 2014-15


For the year 2014- 15 the school received a total of £9,510 to help with this work. We used the funding in 2014/15 for:

•          Training and employing a sports specialist to provide quality coaching and P.E sessions for the children.

•          Improving planning resources and P.E equipment for teaching high quality P.E lessons, where all the children can be challenged.

•          Increase CPD for all staff, so that we can improve our skills of teaching the new curriculum requirements to the children.

•          Training sports specialists to implement ‘Change 4 life’ ideals and promote health related fitness and the importance of eating well.

•          To increase network links with primary and secondary schools to develop children’s sporting skills.

·                Staff are running clubs that are taking place this academic term including netball, Kwik cricket and Tag rugby. These are alongside clubs that are run at school by independent companies including Football (Welling Football Club), Dance (Leyla’s Dance Company) and Gymnastics (Europa Gym Club).


The impact of the funding was:

·         Children competed in high 5s netball and sports hall athletics, where they successfully got through to the semi-finals at Crook Log leisure centre.

·         Year 5 and 6 children competed in the ‘Kevin McCarthy Cup’ and the ‘Minor Cup’, consequently winning the ‘Minor Cup’, for the second successive year. In the ‘Kevin McCarthy Cup’, the children narrowly lost in the quarter finals, to the team that would be the eventual champions. 

·         6 children from year 5/6 have been trained as younger sport leaders to support with the running of the ‘C4L club’.

·         Foster's attended Borough run competitions (which the children competed in for the first time) including year 5/6 tag rugby and year 3/4, 5/6 kwik cricket and the year 6 swimming gala.



Impact of the Sports Premium in 2013-14


As a result of the Sports Premium from 2013/14:

·         Children showed greater enthusiasm for sports taken by specialist coaches from Charlton Football Club, including: netball, tennis, athletics and field hockey.

·         Brand new P.E equipment was purchased to teach a wider range of skills and sports.

·         We entered the Bexley football competition, taking part in the ‘Kevin McCarthy Cup’ and the ‘Minor Cup’, consequently winning the ‘Minor Cup’.

·         Children from year 4 and 5 took part in Sport’s festivals and Sport’s days at Welling School and Bexley Grammar School.



If you would like to know any more about the Sports Premium please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
