Foster's Primary School and Nursery

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Be curious!

Pine Class


This half term in Pine Class we are studying the book The Iron Man. Through shared reading of this book we will be looking at fiction style texts and writing our own fictional story. We will also be creating our very own Iron Man helmet in design! In Science, we are currently learning about animals and their habitats and linking this with ICT by learning how to use and create branching databases to sort objects and animals.

Pine's class assembly will be on Wednesday 20th March, at 9am. We welcome any family and friends of the students to come and watch our performance!

We are looking forward to our school residential trip to Kingswood at the end of the half term and will be preparing ourselves for the trip during various lessons.


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!


Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

Pine Class Newsletter - Summer 2 2015

Pine Class Photos - Summer 2 2015

Pine Class Newsletter - Summer 1 2015

Pine Class Photos - Summer 1 2015

Pine Class Newsletter - Spring 2 2015

Pine Class Photographs - Spring 2 2015

Pine Class Newsletter - Spring 1 2015

Roman Day & A Trip to Danson Park

Pine Class Newsletter - Autumn 2 2014

Pine Class Newsletter - Autumn 1 2014
